Saturday, June 12, 2021

real or TV movie?

 Do you ever wonder, when you're watching a sporting event, if the dramatic, come from behind end is real or staged?  I know, how very suspicious of me, and I don't really suspect fraud, but sometimes????

For instance, this afternoon I was watching a car race.  It was a choice between that or golf while I was doing my 30 minute ride on my exercise bike.  Somehow I thought a car race would be more motivating than golf.  The race was on an interesting track in Detroit and really fun to watch.  They had a few laps left when I finished my ride so I kept watching (not pedaling, just watching).  One driver had been in the lead for some time.  He had an impressive number of wins to his credit and was highly favored to win.  Running in second place was a younger driver trying for his first win.  About three laps from the end, a driver farther back in the pack, ran into a wall.  No serious injury, but the yellow flag when out and then the red flag.  While the track was being cleared all the cars were stopped, then lined up in the order they were in when the race was halted.  Ok, here comes the drama.  As they were getting ready to resume the race, the lead car wouldn't start.  It was a very hot day which may have contributed to the problem.  As that team's mechanics scrambled to fix the problem, the other cars took off and, no big surprise, the car that had been in second place won the race.  Hummm.....

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