Friday, June 4, 2021

tough choice

 According to my west coast brother today is Doughnut Day and also Shopping Cart Day.  If a person had to choose just one to celebrate, which would it be?  Doughnuts are delicious but hard on the waist line. Ordinarily I would have said that pushing a shopping cart around any large store would off set the calories in a donut but when I think shopping carts these days I think of on-line shopping and, let's face it, that doesn't burn up any calories at all, money yes, calories no.  Lucky for me, I got up too late to get a free donut.  They were being passed out in the lobby this morning.  Also luckily, I didn't have anything to shop for today.  So I saved calories and money.  But guess what?  It's also National Cheese Day and Cognac Day.  I celebrated with a cheese sandwich and some pretend cognac, aka ginger ale.  

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