Wednesday, June 23, 2021

drink up!

 Do you have a glass of water handy?  Today is National Hydration Day and also National Pink Day (the color, not the singer).  It seems to me that pink lemonade is the obvious beverage choice of the day.  I do drink a fair amount of water every day but I'm not fanatical about it.  It seems to me that coffee, tea, soup and other liquids should also count, but I've heard differing opinions on this.  When I was a school teacher many years ago, I drank a lot of water from drinking fountains.  There always seemed to be one located fairly close to my classroom door, which was good because I didn't have a lot of time between classes.  Now it seems, everyone carries water with them everywhere they go.  I don't mind but it does sadden me to see all the disposable plastic bottles in use.  When I was a child, we had really pretty bad well water, rusty and smelling of rotten eggs but we were used to it.  We used to laugh at a friend of my mother's who would always bring a thermos of city water with her when she came to visit us.  Now, no one would be at all surprised to have a friend drop in carrying their own water.  Recently Fort Wayne was honored as being one of the top three cities in the country for water quality.  Since I've know for a long time that the water is good here, I regularly drink it 'gasp' right out of the tap.  Since water comes gushing out whenever I turn on the faucet (except tomorrow when the water will be turned off in our building while they repair a water line) I do not buy bottled water.  Not so much because I'm  concerned about the environment, although I am.  Really, I'm just miserly enough to hate the idea of buying water in the grocery store and just lazy enough not to want to haul it home.

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