Friday, June 18, 2021

It was a different time

 At least on TV it was apparently a different time.  I will admit that from time to time I enjoy watching old television shows on channel 33.6.  This evening, for example I saw part of an old Carol Burnett show, a scene where she and Harvey K were playing a married couple having an argument in their bedroom.  Gasp, a bedroom scene.  They were in twin beds of course, with a three foot space between them.  Funny thing though, my parents never slept in twin beds.  For all their married life they slept in a double bed, and they were an untraditional couple in other ways.  My mother was six years older than my father.  Actually in my family that wasn't so unusual.  Both of my grandmothers were six years older than my grandfathers.  And one of my cousins was six years older than her husband.  But among other unusual things, my mother was a teacher with a BS degree, my father was a carpenter who had to quit school at 16.  My mother took flying lessons and could pilot a small plane, my father's only flight was on a troop plane coming home from Brazil near the end of WWII.  You get the idea.  They were a very unlikely couple and yet they made it work, just like an old time movie.  

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