Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Highway robbery???

 Or maybe not.  I took my car in to the dealership today to get a headlight replaced.  First they checked to be sure they had the part, then quoted a cost of $72 plus labor.  I gulped a little but they've always been honest with me before so I told them to go ahead and put it in.  An hour and a half later (admittedly I didn't have an appointment) the car was ready to go.  Out of curiosity, when I had time this evening, I googled Fiat 500L replacement headlight bulbs.  The prices quoted, average replacement cost, ranged from $94 to $103. My total cost, before tax, was $101.10, so I shall not complain, at least not much.  It still does make me wonder though why such a little bitty item costs so much.  I suspect it's similar to the reason why some little bitty pills cost so much.  One of my granddaughters is taking an Economics class this summer.  Perhaps I'll ask her.  

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