Wednesday, June 9, 2021

it's a plot

 I suspect that my laptop conspires against me from time to time.  Sometimes it's simple things like misspelling words, even though I'm supposed to have spell checker.  But sometimes it's nastier than that.  Take this evening for instance.  I've been paying my bills on line, like I do every month, and everything went well until I got to the last bill.  I entered my ID and password and it rejected me, telling me something didn't match.  I tried not to take it personally.  I reentered and reentered and reentered, being very careful to be accurate.  But, alas, nothing worked.  So I gave it up for a while, turned off my computer, fixed a snack, watched a little TV, and then, when it wasn't watching, I snuck up on it.  I logged on, found the site, keyed in the exact same information, and, hey, presto, it worked.  At least I think it worked.  It gave me a confirmation code and everything.  I guess I'll know for sure when I get next month's bill.  

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