Monday, June 7, 2021

just call me guru

 MAD2 (music, art, dance and drama) camp started today.  We couldn't call it MADD because that's been taken and DDAM camp didn't really sound good for a church.  Anyway, it is off to a good start.  As far as I know all 100 campers showed up.  Unfortunately our nifty camp t-shirts have not arrived yet.  They may end up being an end of the week souvenir.  My volunteer assignment, as I mentioned Saturday, is, and this title wasn't my suggestion, Theater Tech Guru.  Today went really well, mainly because I had our real on staff theater tech guru available to train me.  We went over everything multiple times and I took copious notes.  Some parts are pretty straight forward, like turning on the lights and unlocking the doors to the theater. I can do old tech.  The trickier parts are pushing the right buttons on the sound board to make sure there is power to the microphone.  And of course not pressing the wrong buttons.  The rest of the time I spent sitting at the console, looking like I knew what I was doing, and answering the occasional question.  Easy questions like "What time does the next class arrive?" and "Where can I find some Kleenex?" and one trickier question, "Is the piano back stage?"  Actually I knew the answer to that one also.  There was no piano back stage.  Evidently there was supposed to be one. Happily, piano moving was not part of my job description.  Those musical types who needed the piano for the singing class at the end of the morning found one and had it in place on time.  All in all I think we're off to a great start, and as I watched other volunteers moving groups of rowdy kids from class to class I decided that being the TT Guru is just fine with me.  

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