Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Whoo? whoo?

 I used to be a morning person. able to jump up at the crack of dawn and head off to my job, where I would get most of my work done before noon.  That all seemed to change after I retired.  I can still get stuff done in the morning but morning doesn't start 'til about 9am.  None of this up with the birds stuff, although the birds are being pretty persistent these days.  Did you know that birds start singing, chirping, honking and tweeting before 6am?  I only know this because this week I am getting up at 6am to help with camp.  I've been getting there on time and am happy to report that I got everything in the theater set up, turned on, unlocked and generally ready all by myself this morning, without any problems. I was actually feeling pretty wide awake until the first group of campers (pre-k and kindergartners) came bouncing in.  No one should have that much energy before 8am.  I'm really glad that I can sit and watch them from a distance.  

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