Saturday, June 5, 2021

a new role

 I was given a new assignment today.  This coming week we are having MAD2 (Music, Art, Drama and Dance) camp at our church.  Starting Monday at 8am we will welcome 100 campers, pre-K through 5th grade for all kinds of fun art experiences.  People from the Children's theater and a dance school and an elementary school art teacher and others will actually be teaching the classes but I, along with several other church members, had volunteered some weeks ago to help.  I assumed that I would be helping to chaperone a group or serve snacks or help register the campers.  However, when I got the schedule and assignments at a training meeting this morning, I discovered that my assignment is "Theater Tech Guru."  At first I was a little panicked.  My theater experience is more of the on stage type but I was assured that I will get some training on Monday morning.  The more I think about it, the better I like this assignment.  While other volunteers will be shepherding kids hither and yon, I will be at the controls at the back of the theater turning on lights and adjusting sound.  I really won't have to deal with the campers at all.  Sounds good to me.  Of course there is the pesky possibility that I might accidentally hit the wrong button, plunge the theater into total darkness, and cause a panic, but, you know, what are the odds of that? 

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