Sunday, June 13, 2021

going back in time

 A friend and I walked over to the old fort this afternoon.  It was a beautiful day for a walk, sunny with a cool breeze.  While we were there we enjoyed the performance of a string quartet playing patriotic tunes.  As we strolled around the fort, we watched the soldiers drill and shoot their black powder rifles.  Just a side note, it occurred to me that if the only guns terrorists could use these days were black powder long guns, it would definitely cut down on numbers killed.  But as I was saying, it was a lovely day for a stroll.  It's nice that the re-enactors attempt to create the authentic feel of an encampment with their tents, and costumes, and I enjoy it when they stay in character while they explain things.  As long as I could keep my back to the highway, and ignore the traffic sounds, it seemed almost real.  Well, except for all the visitors wandering around wearing shorts and sleeveless t-shirts.  Still, it was a fun afternoon.  

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