Sunday, June 27, 2021

anything cool

 My west coast brother informed me that today is National Ice Cream Cake Day.  Since he lives in Spokane where the high tomorrow is supposed to be 106 degrees, I'm sure he would enjoy some ice cream in any form.  

Fifteen years ago my son moved his family back to Fort Wayne from Phoenix because even then it was too hot in the summers for his children (then toddlers) to play outside.  I know people say "Yes, but it's a dry heat."  It gets to a point though where hot is hot, wet or dry.  I remember walking across a mall parking lot on a summer visit to Phoenix and feeling the reflected heat from the pavement burning my ankles.  It was probably over 100 that day.  On the other hand, one July I attended a business conference in Atlanta.  I had been inside for several hours and decided to step outside during an afternoon break to get a breath of fresh air.  Hah! It felt like I had walked into a steaming hot washcloth.  I went right back inside.  As I said, hot is hot but personally I'll take 80 and humid over 106 any time.  

On a non-weather related note, I can be sure of ice cream cake at least four times a year because it is a favorite birthday cake for my son and his family.  Hmmm, the next birthday in their family is in July.  Of course that's when my daughter-in-law turns 50.  I'm not sure how much she will feel like celebrating (although she is a very young looking 50) but I'm pretty sure there will be ice cream cake.  

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