Wednesday, June 16, 2021

mastering the simple

 I love to watch cooking shows like "Master Chef" and "The Great British Baking Show."  The cooks come up with some really amazing creations and I marvel at their creativity.  Mind you, I don't have any intention of trying to duplicate their efforts, but while I was watching "Master Chef" this evening I started wondering what special dish I could cook for the judges.  My almost grown grandchildren still like my salmon patties, usually served with macaroni and cheese (the bright yellow kind from a box).  I like my 'original' spaghetti made from canned spaghetti sauce with lots of extra goodies tossed in.  Give me ground beef, cheddar cheese and mushroom soup and I can make a delicious casserole, my late husband's favorite.  My daughter loves my bean soup, again started with canned beans, and I do make really good chili, again beginning with some chili seasoned beans.  I guess, looking back at this list, if there is ever a cooking competition on TV called "Cooking from Cans" I could be a contender.  

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