Monday, May 2, 2022

another dubious day

 According to my west coast brother, today is Great Lakes Awareness Day and also Scurvy Awareness Day.  I eat plenty of oranges and other fresh fruit so I am not at all worried about Scurvy but I am wondering about the Great Lakes.  I think Lake Michigan is throwing water at us. During the winter we get lake effect snow.  Now I suspect we're getting lake effect rain.  Sometime tomorrow we are supposed to get another two inches of rain.  If it comes down as heavy and fast as it did Saturday night (like a tidal wave), I'm going to be watching to see if there are any fish in the deluge.  So beware the Great Lakes and also those little lakes all around town, especially those covering streets.  With all the potholes around town right now, if any one tries to drive through standing water concealing a big old pothole their car might sink and never been seen again.  You may think I'm exaggerating but I have seen some pretty impressive potholes in the last few weeks.  Be aware!

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