Saturday, May 14, 2022

It's over.

 The play is over.  Tonight was the last performance and, while I will miss the laughs (it was really fun playing a drunk over-the-hill actress) I am not sorry to be finished.   I hate to admit it but I may be getting just a little bit too old for the theater.  Not, when I'm on stage, that part is pure fun, but the several trips up and down stairs to get to the dressing room just about did me in.  It must be a rule that stages and dressing rooms can't be on the same level.  Another interesting note, the dressing room (singular) at Arena Dinner theater is co-ed.  And with everyone changing clothes at the same time and mirrors lining three walls it's pretty hard not to catch a glimpse of something sometimes.  So I adapted and did what any good ostrich would do.  I closed my eyes and got in and out of my costume as quickly as I could, assuming that if I can't see you, you can't see me.  And lets be brutally honest here, I can't imagine any of the men in the cast wanting to ogle my 70 something body. Ah well.  

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