Wednesday, May 25, 2022

It's all good.

 Today is all about health and fitness.  In fact, it's National Senior Health and Fitness Day.  I did go to my twice a week seniors exercise class this afternoon so I figure I did my bit to celebrate.  It's also National Tap Dance Day.  I'm sure tap dancing is a great way to exercise, and there are probably seniors out there that tap dance, but I'm not one of them.  Dancing is right up there with singing and playing piano on my long list of things I don't do (at least not in public), as a mercy to the rest of the world.  But interestingly, today is also National Wine Day.  Perhaps the thought is that wine will make the exercise or the dancing more fun.  Or, if you drink enough, you won't care about health and fitness.  To help us celebrate this multi-event day, the management served up a wine and cheese party this afternoon.  Of course I had to attend; it would have been churlish not to.

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