Tuesday, May 31, 2022

party fime

 On Friday my granddaughter graduated.  Today she partied.  I thought it was a little unusual to hold her graduation open house on a Tuesday afternoon, but it was evidently that or wait til late July because of friends' scheduled parties.  But lots of people came so the time must have agreed with everyone. I, of course, sat and visited with the grown ups, but all the recent grads seemed to be having a great time.  I was told that early in the afternoon my granddaughter received a few texts from kids who couldn't come and started to panic, fearing that no one would show up.  Have you ever had that feeling "What if I give a party and no one comes?"  I imagine the only thing worse would be to wonder "What if I give a party and only my grandmas show up?"  We were both there but we stayed discretely on the sidelines.  Kudos to my daughter-in-law who planned the refreshments which were pretty thoroughly devoured. She served all the fixings for nachos, plus pop corn, cookies, brownies, candy and, for the serious few, fresh fruit salad.  Snarfing pretty much describes the eating style.  So that's it for high school graduations.  In two years we'll start the round of college graduations if all goes well.  

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