Sunday, May 22, 2022

Wait? What did I miss?

 I googled special days today because my west coast brother was driving to Oregon and didn't have time to do the research.  What I discovered, much to my amazement, is that May is Older Americans Month (not day, month!).  Why wasn't I told about this? Why aren't there ads on TV, banners hanging from the street lights, notices in the newspapers?  I definitely qualify as an older American.  Where are my flowers, cards, candy or other symbols of honor and celebration?  I mean, it's taken me a long time to become an older American, although it does seem to have happened much more quickly than I expected.  Meanwhile, while I'm getting over the lack of celebration of older Americans, I've discovered that today is "Buy a Musical Instrument Day."  Maybe all of us older Americans should form a marching band to draw attention to our special month.  A friend of mine had a drum set for sale at her garage sale this weekend.  I was tempted but decided that my neighbors upstairs and down might not appreciate it.  Unless, of course, they are older Americans, then they might want to join my band.

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