Monday, May 30, 2022

liver and onions

 My west coast brother told me that he had liver and onions yesterday and that reminded me of the last time I had liver and onions.  First let me tell you that I am not a fan of liver and onions but in 1960 we leaned how to cook liver and onions in home ec class, probably because liver is supposed to be really good for you.  So, in 1967, when I was teaching in upstate New York, I had a short term boyfriend who liked liver and onions and asked me to cook them for him.  So I did.  As I recall I cooked it according to my teacher's directions and it was delicious.  But not delicious enough to make me want to cook it again.  And I never did.  Lucky for me, the man I married in 1968 loved Mexican food and had absolutely no desire to ever eat liver and onions so I dropped that dish from my recipe repertoire.  And that's it, that's my whole history with liver and onions. 

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