Saturday, May 7, 2022


 When our children were young, my husband and I packed them up and took them camping every summer.  Over the years we made it to all of the contiguous 48 states and parts of Canada.  But our camping was done in a converted VW bus with a number of conveniences.  These days I have a very good view of the Old Fort from my balcony, and what I see does not make me long to go camping.  During the year there are several historic encampments held there and on clear, nice days I like to walk over and see the battles and samples of life in pioneer times.  Yesterday was not such a day.  I felt nothing but sympathy for the people in their flimsy looking tents in the cold and the rain.  Today was better.  The sun came out and they shot off the cannons and generally appeared to be having a good time.  They probably could have used some of that rumfustian yesterday.

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