Friday, May 13, 2022

I didn't do it.

 Today is Blame Someone Else Day.  I didn't know we needed a special day for that.  It seems to be a national pastime.  I just about hit a young man on a scooter as I was leaving the theater parking lot this evening.  If I had hit him, I'm sure he would have blamed me, but he zipped right across in front of me as I was looking down the street to see if any cars were coming.  I'm glad those little electric scooters are fast.  But speaking of blaming someone else, I know President Biden's approval rating is not very high but will someone please explain to me why it is his fault that there is a shortage of baby formula right now?  I'm pretty sure the pesky law requiring that tainted food be recalled has been in place for many years.  Gasp!  Maybe it's a clever ploy to keep us from thinking about inflation and high gas prices. 

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