Wednesday, May 4, 2022

happy birthday

 Today is May the 4th, otherwise known as Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you.  But much more importantly, it's my youngest grandchild's birthday.  She turned 18 today and will graduate from high school in three weeks.  It's kind of funny how these two events are tangled together.  When my son, her father, was five years old, we took him to see the very first Star Wars movie.  Because my husband and I wanted to see it, of course.  We also took our three year old daughter but she was unimpressed and slept through the whole show.  Our five year old, though, was wide awake and quite literally on the edge of his seat through the whole movie.  I had as much fun watching him as watching the movie.  I credit that movie with the beginning of his love of all things space related and his career choices for the last many years.  Space Camp helped too.  But little did he know that 19 years ago his second daughter would be born on the day we Star Wars fans celebrate this amazing series.  I had a fun celebratory supper with their family this evening, and now I'm feeling the urge to watch Star Wars, Episode IV.

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