Friday, May 27, 2022

Flip those tassels.

 This evening my youngest grandchild graduated from high school.  She was a student at Bishop Dwenger and their ceremony was at the Embassy.  She wasn't the Val or the Sal but she did graduate in the top 20 percent, won a long list of awards and had high enough grades to be excused from taking any final exams.  I'm so proud of her.  One of the things they do, that I really enjoy, is post a quote selected by each student on the huge screen at the back of the stage.  As each student walks across the stage, receiving a diploma and a yellow rose along the way, the big screen displays their picture and the quote they selected.  I really like this because, while all the students you don't care about are walking across the stage you can read their quotes, some of which are very funny and some quite profound.  It makes the time pass much faster.  I was surprised how many quotes this year were attributed to Kanye West.  I had no idea he was such a philosopher.  Mother Theresa and Maya Angelou were also quoted frequently.  But many of the students wrote their own quotes.  One of my favorites, being a tall woman myself, was something like "Go large or go home is easy for me because I am 6'3"."  I was pleased to see that the tall young lady walking across the stage was also wearing high heals.  You go girl.  But back to my granddaughter (who is only 5'7"), her quote was "When it rains, look for rainbows.  When it's dark, look for stars." by Anonymous.  I like that.  As I sat watching the ceremony, I was struck by the fact that 60 years ago this month I was experiencing my own high school graduation experience.  I've packed a lot of living into the last 60 years but it does seem to have gone by awfully fast.  

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