Sunday, May 8, 2022

Should I be worried?

 I just watched an interesting commercial on TV.  It was warning about all the nasty germs that can breed in your shower head overnight, based on a 'recent study.'  Interestingly, I saw a report on that germy situation a few months ago on a news program.  Supposedly, according to the commercial, when you turn on your shower, you are being bombarded with millions of germs.  Really?  I've been taking showers for sixty years now (since I went to college; we didn't have a shower in my childhood home, just a bathtub).  Anyway, in all those years, with many styles of shower heads, I have never been poisoned by my shower.  Do you suppose it's because I'm not standing in the shower when I turn it on?  I am a comfort loving individual who has no interest in being blasted by too hot or too cold water when I get in the shower.  I let it run a bit until I get the temperature adjusted to my liking, then get in the shower.  So I think I will take my chances and not rush out to buy a new super sanitary shower head.  If it happens that I die from shower germs you can put "They tried to warn her." on my tomb stone. 

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