Sunday, May 15, 2022


 This afternoon two friends and I went to a play at the Civic Theater.  I thought it would be good therapy after having just finished being in a play myself.  It was that and so much more.  The play was a comedy called "Noises Off" and it was a humbling and hilarious experience.  We were laughing the whole time and a lot of the comedy was of the physical kind, running up and down long flights of stairs and in and out of doors.  Moving, moving, moving all the time.  I came away having enjoyed every minute of it, and also feeling very grateful the my part in my show involved one short flight of steps and being 'passed out' on a couch for a good part of the play.  Not as busy as today's play, but much less exhausting.  I do recommend "Noises Off" for anyone who wants a good laugh.  It's still on next week if you're interested. 

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