Friday, May 6, 2022

rum what?

 Here's the question from a recent page in my page a day trivia calendar.  What is a rumfustian?  Since I'm currently playing a drunk my thoughts first turned to liquor. Rum what?  And guess what? I was on the right track.  A rumfustian is a hot alcoholic drink that includes egg yolks, beer, wine, gin, sugar and spices.  As far as any one knows the word was first used in 1824.  Sounds to me like something someone made up out of leftovers and it may have given the drinker a rumfustian of a headache.  Alas, while I do have beer, wine and eggs, I don't have any gin, so I guess I won't be able to serve this delectable sounding concoction to my weekend visitors.  Next time I'm in a bar though, I might just ask for a rumfustian, just for fun.  Won't I be surprised when the bartender whips one up for me?  

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