Tuesday, March 26, 2024

it's taxing....

 I spent several hours today sorting through all of the papers I had put in my 2023 tax folder during the past year, to sift out the really pertinent forms and information.  I'm meeting with my handy dandy tax man from H&R Block on Thursday and wanted to have things as organized as possible for the meeting.  Many years ago my first husband always did our taxes.  We were never audited so I assume he did a good job, but almost every year he would say to me "You really should learn to do this in case anything ever happens to me."  To which I would reply "Hah! If anything ever happens to you I will pack up all my papers and take them to H&R Block (that being the only tax firm I had ever heard of) and that's exactly what I did.  But fast forward to today - the sorting of paperwork went very well until I realized that one 1099 form seemed to be missing.  In my file of many papers I had tucked away a multi-page document from a company who took over distribution of one of my pensions way back in February 2023.  I also found a letter from said company telling me that my tax form would be mailed to me.  It told me that, if I had any questions or hadn't received my form, to call the company using my previously activated PIN number (which I had never set up).  I was really beginning to panic when I decided to look through my papers carefully one more time and found, to my intense relief, the form I needed with the name of the company printed in teeny tiny font, not anything like the bold letterhead I had been looking for.  So, hooray, all is well, unless I learn differently on Thursday.   

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found the document you needed. btw: Our company was audited once, by the State, and the result was a couple of suggestions on how we could save a little on our taxes!
