Friday, August 21, 2020

65 plus

 Today is National Senior Citizen Day.  I'm told this applies to anyone over 65 so I qualify.  Boy, do I qualify.  I celebrated this special day by seeing my doctor for my annual wellness checkup.  In addition I got my shingles shot and my flu shot.  I am ready for anything, almost. But even better, I passed the mental part of my fitness test.  You'll be pleased to know that I was able to tell what month and year it is although I missed today's date by 1.  I can say the days of the week backwards, copy a simple drawing, draw a clock with hands in the right position for 6:45 (digital would have been easier), write a sentence, remember a sequence of three words and so on. We will not dwell on my vision test or what the nasty scale showed.  I tried to explain that my mask weighs ten pounds but they weren't buying it.   

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