Friday, August 28, 2020

now that was impressive

 I spent quite a while this afternoon watching it rain.  Don't judge. It was more entertaining than either of the conventions.  I felt we got just a tiny sense of what the people of the Gulf areas went through with Hurricane Laura.  I stood on my balcony for a while feeling the spray and the wind and trying to imagine it ten times worse.  The noise, as the rain hammered on the river was amazingly loud and at times the rain was blowing sideways.  It was exciting but, after seeing videos of buildings blowing apart in Texas, I really wouldn't want to experience anything stronger.  It's funny how people get used to the possible disasters of the areas they live in.  Earthquakes in California, hurricanes in Florida.  I worked with a buyer once who was moving here from California.  She insisted on only looking at houses with basements because she had a real fear of tornadoes.  We found the perfect house, with a basement, and then we went shopping for lanterns in case of power outages.  When I told her that I had never seen a tornado in all the years I've lived here she obviously didn't believe me.  Happily, no tornadoes threatened during the three years she and her family lived here.  The only real tragedy came when her husband was transferred again with his job, this time to the DC area, and she had to give up her big beautiful house, with basement, for one that cost more but was only half the size.  I never heard if she had to deal with hurricanes.

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