Thursday, August 6, 2020

let's try this again

 Now that my laptop is working again I will share with you my favorite joke from this week's exercise classes.  

A highway patrolman saw a car driving down the interstate at 22 miles an hour.  He followed the car, flashed his lights, and the driver immediately pulled over.  Inside the car were five little old ladies, four passengers and the driver.  They were all looking pale and very tense.  The officer said "Madam, are you all right?"  She responded "Yes officer but I don't know why you pulled me over."  

"You were driving so slowly that you are a danger to other drivers."

"But that can't be right.  I was driving exactly the speed limit, 22 miles an hour."  As she said this she pointed to a sign on the road side with a big number 22 on it.  The officer explained that that was the highway number and not the speed limit.

Then he asked again "Are you sure you are all ok?  Your passengers all look very pale and tense."

"Oh." she replied, "They'll be fine soon.  We just got off highway 119."

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