Tuesday, August 18, 2020

not your mother's convention

 First of all, this is a day to celebrate.  100 years ago today women in the United States gained the right to vote,  Good work ladies.  I thank you. And thinking of politics, I have watched the first two episodes of the Democratic convention,  and yes, I will also watch the Republican convention.  While I'm pretty sure I know how I will vote, it's only fair to listen to both sides,  But I must say, this is not like the conventions I remember from my childhood.  Where are the chanting crowds?  The days of speeches, the votes taken to determine who will be the presidential nominee?  All gone. at least for now.  Understandable with the pandemic but J still miss the old ways.  I miss the shouted nominations and the constant air of excitement.  On the other hand, I must admit that one hour of speeches per evening is really rather refreshing.

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