Monday, August 3, 2020

Huff puff....

Every Monday and Wednesday I go to an exercise class at our church.  It is a class designed for the geriatric set of which I must admit I am one.  At each class we spend about 50 minutes stretching, bending and generally flexing all our creaky joints.  It's a good work out.  I don't exactly break a sweat but my glasses kept steaming up today.  Of course that may have been because I was wearing the required mask. Between exercises we get snippets of humor and inspiration. Here's the joke I enjoyed most today.  
An elderly man was concerned that his wife's hearing wasn't as good as it should be so he asked their doctor for advice.  The doctor suggested a simple test, speaking to his wife from various distances while her back was turned.  So, while she was fixing supper one evening he started the experiment. From way across the house he asked her a question, no answer.  He repeated the question from 40 feet, 30 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet, still no answer.  Now he was really worried.  Finally, from right behind her he asked again "What's for supper?"  And finally she replied "Charlie, for the sixth time, we're having chicken."  

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