Tuesday, August 4, 2020

cookies anyone

Today is Chocolate Chip Cookie Day and that seems like an excellent day to me.  I have been a fan of cookies for a long, long time.  But then who hasn't?  When I was selling real estate I made it a practice, and even taught my trainees, not to accept refreshments when I went to someone's house to talk to them about putting it on  the market.  It's hard to look professional if you're trying to deal with a cup of coffee or something snacky while trying to ask questions and take notes.  My professionalism went right our the window though, when I arrived at one home to be greeted by a charming homeowner who invited me into the immaculate kitchen, explaining as we headed that way, that she had just taken some chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.  I felt my resolve slipping and when she offered me a glass of milk with the cookies, I was sunk.  Who, with any memory of after school snacks in their past, could possibly say no to milk and cookies at 3:00 in the afternoon?  Not me. 

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