Sunday, August 2, 2020

Well, that's disappointing.

I was watching an interesting piece on morning TV the other day.  Pictures were being shown of a mysterious crop circle somewhere in Germany.  It was a very elaborate design cut into a wheat field.  Now, personally, I love the idea of visitors from another galaxy popping in from time to time to see how we're doing and leaving a fascinating impression in the wheat where their space ship touched down.  Evidently a lot of other people feel the same way because there was quite a crowd clustered around that wheat field, even though the best view was from a helicopter.  All very interesting, and I was enjoying the mystery until, as a parting shot, the local announcer said "You know, farmers can program their tractors to cut crops in all kinds of patterns."  I don't believe it.  I suspect that she is one of them, disguised and left behind to divert suspicion.  

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