Saturday, August 29, 2020

and speaking of rain...

 Yesterday I rhapsodized about how beautiful the rain was.  I haven't changed my mind about that but thunder is a different matter.  I am not usually afraid of nature but last night was an exception. About 3:25am l was blasted awake by a sound that made me think a building had been bombed.  No kidding.  I bounced out of bed and prowled around the apartment til my heartbeat slowed down and I realized it was only thunder.  I have never heard a louder blast of thunder.  The closest I remember was way back when I was in college at Ball State and lightening struck very close to a building I was working in.  My daughter told me this morning that one of their dogs was really scared last night.  Smart dog.  I'll see him tomorrow and give him an extra hug.  I appreciate a kindred spirit.

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