Saturday, August 22, 2020

obviously not my thing...

 "This is your home now.  You can go anywhere in the castle except the west wing." said the Beast to Belle.  First a true confession.  I signed up for the Disney+ channel a month ago so I could watch "Hamilton" and I did watch it and it was wonderful.  But I've discovered other joys on Disney+ including lots of good old movies.  This evening I decided to watch "Beauty and the Beast."  Childish perhaps but a good escape from Covid 19 and politics.  But my point is I would never have made it as a melodrama heroine.  As soon as the monster or mad scientist or master criminal or whoever said to me "Don't go in the cellar or cave or west wing or whatever...."  My most likely response will be "Okee dokee, whatever you say."  And I would mean it.  I have never liked going into creepy dark places.  Haunted houses do not amuse me.  In my real estate days I listed an old house that had the worst basement I have ever been in, and believe me, I wasn't in it any more than I could help.  It was too low to stand up straight, accessed by a narrow little staircase, dank and dark, and, I'm pretty sure haunted.  Luckily for me that house sold fast to someone who obviously didn't have my aversion to doing laundry in a dungeon.  

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