Sunday, August 23, 2020

So much easier....

 My west coast brother texted me today to tell me that he and my sister-in-law are taking care of two of their grandchildren, ages three and five, for the weekend.  Today they were getting them ready to go to church and he referred to it as "herding cats."  I remember the days.  Back when two of my then toddler age grandchildren were living with me a friend in similar circumstances commented that trying to put tights on a toddler girl was like "dressing Jello."  Just coincidentally my 19 year old grandson stopped by for a visit today.  We watched the Indy 500 and chilled.  I couldn't help thinking how much easier it is now.  Teenage grandchildren may not be so cuddly and cute (he's 6'4" with long hair and a beard) but they can drive themselves, eat neatly and are willing to watch something more than cartoons on TV.  And speaking of the Indy 500 I didn't realize that laps driven under the yellow light counted as race laps.  I had never seen a race before that actually ended with three slow laps where the position they held when the slowdown started was where they had to stay. so basically the winner just coasted for those last three laps.  It just doesn't seem quite fair.  

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