Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Grocery shopping 2020 style

 Early on in this pandemic time I started getting my groceries using curbside pickup and that worked well for the most part.  But recently I've been doing my grocery shopping in person, wearing my mask of course. It allows more flexibility in the purchasing process (aka impulse buying) but it also presents some new challenges.  Today, for example I wanted to use my own shopping bags and not end up with an abundance of plastic bags.  Last week, during my shopping trip, I purchased three nice bright reusable bags for 99 cents each after asking if I would be able to use these from now on.  I asked because until now they have said plastic bags only.  I was assured that I could, so today I presented my bags at checkout and was told I could use them but I would have to fill them myself.  I'm not sure I understand the rational.  After all the check out person had just handled all my items as she checked them out.  Anyway, I was fine with that,  I could make sure the eggs and bread didn't end up on the bottom.  I intended to make a quick job of it but then I heard the clerk say, to the next person in line, she has to load her own groceries so this will take a while.  Perhaps she was judging me by my gray hair?  Not wanting to disappoint, I slowed down, took my time, and did a great job of packing those groceries.  I can't wait til next week. 

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