Monday, May 16, 2022

Write on...

 Today is Biographer's Day and also National Mimosa Day.  I'm guessing they want us to celebrate the mixed drink, sparkling wine and orange juice, and not the tree, although it does have pretty blossoms. It occurs to me that if you set out to write a biography, sipping on a mimosa might get the creative juices flowing.  My west coast brother tells me that his cat is writing his (the cat's) autobiography "Today I Shall Nap."  I'm sure it will be fascinating but that's an autobiography of course.  I've considered writing biographies.  I've know lots of interesting people in my life.  Interesting to me, at least.  The problem is not everyone would want to read about my grandfather's years in the coal mines or my father's experiences in Brazil in WWII.  I had an older friend who remembered riding her horse to classes in a one room school house when she was very young, and racing horses with the boys.  And another older friend, many years ago, who started farming near Woodburn while she and her husband could still have furniture and other equipment delivered by canal boat.  Maybe I could take all those bits and pieces and weave them into a fascinating story, a sort of blended biography.  Hmmm, I may have invented a new literary form here, the "blenbio."  Or maybe I'll just go finish my mimosa.

1 comment:

  1. That Blenbio sounds good. You could do an interesting and fun story!
