Friday, April 24, 2020

a walk on the wild side

I took a walk with a friend to Promenade Park this afternoon.  It was a beautiful day for a walk and I did enjoy the blossoming trees and the balmy air.  And we took time to swing on the big swings.  Always fun.  But I also did a little bit of "scientific" observation.  Number of people that we saw during the hour we were out walking: 50+ (sorry, I lost count), number wearing masks: 0.  They did try to keep a safe distance when passing one another which was good.  I must admit that I also took my mask off while I was outside.  It felt hot and made my glassed fog up.  I do wear a mask inside the building when I ride the elevator to get my mail or do laundry or whatever, but outside I like to be able to breathe.  Best joke I heard today "I've been washing my hands over and over again just like they keep telling us, I'm just waiting to be told to take a shower." Yikes.  Least helpful advice.  "Wash your glasses with shaving cream then rinse and let air dry.  This will prevent them from fogging up when you wear a mask"  Evidently I'm not the only one with a fogging problem.  I thought this sounded like great advice until I realized that as a 75 year old, live alone widow who never shaves her legs, (I know, TMI, sorry) the odds of my finding shaving cream around here are pretty low.  Never the less, I will take a little time to dig through my linen closet tomorrow and see what I can find.  It's on my list of spaces that should be cleaned out anyway.  Stay tuned.

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