Friday, April 3, 2020

the great escape

I left my Fortress of Solitude for a while this afternoon and I felt a little bit like I was escaping from prison.  Mind you, it's a very comfy confinement with plenty to eat and lots to do but still it had been a while since I had been out.  A friend and I walked to the old fort and then on down to Promenade Park.  I had mentally envisioned a lonesome walk with few other people out.  I also half expected a policeperson to pull up and ask us if we had a good reason to be out.  Instead, I must assume that lots of people have no access to news information.  I tried to count but quickly lost track of all the bikers, skateboarders and family groups roaming around the park and up and down the sidewalks.  It's not a ghost town out there.  I really can't blame them.  It was a glorious day to be out.  After our walk we stopped at the new "grocery store" that has opened in the Hall's Gas House.  In better times it's one of my favorite restaurants.  Today it was a really handy place to (safely spaced) pick up some things I was running low on.  Celery, eggs, tomatoes, pulled pork and wine topped my list.  I have placed a larger order for pick up from Kroger's but will definitely go back to Hall's for some meat and other things next time.  I'll do my bit to keep my favorite restaurant in business one way or another.

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