Saturday, April 18, 2020

more new skills

I learned three new things today, all thanks to being physically distanced, with plenty of time to check out Facebook and other things electronic. 
First, do you know why it's called a pandemic?  It's because during this time of isolation we eat constantly, like pandas.
Second, I watched a short Youtube video and learned how to make a mask out of a sock.  It works.  I used a plain white sock but now I'm looking at some of my patterned socks, trying to decide if I'm willing to sacrifice a pair of socks to have a fun mask.  I think we're going to be wearing them for a while.  
Third, this evening I joined a Zoom chat and learned how to make a chocolate souffle.  Well, let me clarify, I watched a demonstration of a man (our pastor's husband) making a chocolate souffle.  It looked delicious when it was all finished, but realistically, I will never in this life make a chocolate souffle.  
I may however bake a chocolate cake tomorrow from a mix I have on hand,  I mean, chocolate is chocolate after all.

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