Thursday, April 23, 2020

I need books

Today is International Day of the Book.  I think that's wonderful; I really love books.  However, I'm starting to run out.  I know people who are anxious for the current restrictions to be lifted for many reasons: to be able to shop, to be able to gather with their family, to be able to go out for Mexican food with friends, and more.  For me it's first to be able to get more library books, and not just any books.  Until I have cataract surgery - maybe sometime this summer?? - I really have trouble reading anything but large print books.  Luckily, our wonderful downtown library has shelves and shelves of large print books.  Just before we all got shut in I had been to the library and checked out six large print books.  I have been pacing myself but now I am on my last book.  I think I would probably get into trouble if I break into the library but I am getting desperate.  I know I can download books on line and I will if I must but it's just not the same.  I may even, gasp, have to buy some books through Amazon.  Books!!!  I need books!!!!

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