Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Shopping Spree

I was going to write this blog yesterday but my laptop froze, so, in the only way I know how to make computer repairs, I turned everything off and let it rest for a day.  And here I am, back in business.  And speaking of business I went shopping yesterday.  Actually I went picking up yesterday.  I shopped on line last week.  Yesterday was my first experience using Kroger's pickup service.  It all went very smoothly. I pulled up to one of the numbered parking spots, called the phone number on the little sign, told them my name and, hey presto, in five minutes, a polite, pleasant young man brought my order out and loaded it in my car.  We were never closer than six feet apart. Then the fun began.  I drove home, unloaded everything from the car, and started unpacking everything in the kitchen.  It was a little like Christmas.  I'm not saying I did a lot of impulse buying on line but there were a few suprises.  First surprise, when I ordered oranges I didn't mean to order eight pounds of eranges.  That's a lot of oranges.  I gave away half of them today.  Second surprise, (this I ordered on purpose) was a cake mix I had never tried before.  It's so cute!  It's called Duncan Hines Easy Cake Kit.  I chose the chocolate flavor.  I felt like a little kid using my Easy Bake Oven. I mixed everything up, poured the batter in the little six inch 
pan that came in the box, baked the cake, squeezed the little bag of frosting on top and suddenly I had a cute little cake.  Four servings for me.  Such fun.  I highly recommend using a pick up service.  On my whole list there were only two, perfectly acceptable, substitutions, and two items they didn't have.  And I didn't need to touch anything, until I got home, that didn't belong to me.  I'm coming to think of my car as my little safety bubble.  

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