Monday, April 13, 2020

hair cut stories

My niece posted a picture on Facebook today of herself sporting a new hair style.  She had not only given herself a haircut but a whole new style and it looked great.  I am in awe of anyone who can cut their own or anyone elses hair.  In one of her many jobs my mother was a beautician.  She could cut hair but that gene missed me completely.  When my son was two years old, I decided to give him a haircut before we left on a trip (his first airplane flight) to visit some friends in Pennsylvania.  An hour after we started (he was a very patient child) I admitted that I was never going to get things evened up and I'd better seek professional help.  The barber did help, after he finished laughing, but all he could do was give hime a very close cut all over - not bald but close.  Suddenly my little baby boy looked like a tough litle kid. Interestingly, he still wears his hair cut very short, but I suspect that now it has more to do with minimising a bald spot than trying to look tough.  
Tomorrow, another hair raising tale.

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