Saturday, April 4, 2020

my kind of day

Today, according to a list of unusual days in April, is Slow Art Day.  As it happens I am a practicer (practitioner?) of one of the slowest art forms around - weaving.  For example. I just took one project off my loom today.  With all this at home time you would think I could have polished off that project in my first two days at home but I don't like to rush things.  Now, with an empty loom staring at me, I need to begin a new project.  My plan is to make six matching placemats.  Today I took the first step.  I pulled out all of the yarn I have stashed away, which is really quite a bit considering that I have only gotten back into weaving in the last two years.  Turns out I have lots of black, orange, yellow and red yarn.  It is all spread out on my guest room bed.  Tomorrow I will go back and look at the colors and wait for inspiration.  Then, maybe on Monday I'll figure out my pattern.  By Tuesday or Wednesday I may be ready to string the loom.  But there's no rush. As I said, it's a slow art.  

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