Wednesday, April 22, 2020

fun and games

This evening I played BINGO with a group of tennants here in my apartment complex.  Of course we all stayed safely in our own apartments and played via Facebook live, which means I've learned another new tech skill.  A couple of weeks ago a notice was sent out that we would be playing BINGO this evening in the apartment complex.  The prizes were money off next month's rent.  Only one card per person.  They put the cards in a big enevelope hanging on the office door so we could pick one up without getting close to anyone.  I did pick up a card and had it on my desk for the last few days.  Earlier today I pulled it out, read the directions, and realized, after some fiddling, that I did know how to log on to the game.  Happily, a nice young lady who works in the office, replyed to my email cry for help and gave me the information I needed, so this evening I was part of the game.  It was clever how they did it.  As I watched on my tiny telephone "TV" screen, numbers were called and when someone had a bingo they typed BINGO in the comments section.  Then they took a picture of their card (with the numbers showing so they could be confirmed) and emailed it to the office where the caller and his assistants were located so it could be confirmed.  In the meantime people were sending comments saying hi and telling how they were doing.  "I only need two numbers." kind of messages.  I didn't win anything but it was a fun way to spend a couple of hours safely at home.  They talked about possibly doing some bingo evenings in the common area when we can all get together again but I don't know about that.  They would probably expect me to wear something other than my pajamas.  

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