Friday, April 17, 2020

Say it isn't snow!

It was very pretty this morning.  I woke up to a snow covered winter wonderland.  Sadly, it's April.  According to my best source today is National Cheese Ball Day.  National Snow Ball Day might be more appropriate.  The weather persons kept assuring me on every weather report I saw today that snow in April is not all that unusual.  While this was interesting, it didn't do much to alter my attitude.  Snow is a Christmas thing.  You see snow on Christmas card pictures byt not on Easter cards.  On the other hand, our apartment management is encouraging everyone to hang up our balcony Christmas lights to honor medical workers and others on the front line.  I do think this is a fine idea but I really wasn't in the mood for balcony lights.  However this little bit of snow (which I knwo will be gone tomorrow, has put me in the mood to get those lights out.  I'm just waiting for a little warmer weather.  I know, I know, I'm very hard to satisfy.  

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