Thursday, April 16, 2020


I don't know if $1,200 has magically appeared in my bank account yet or even if I'm qualified to receive it.  Certainly I am, based on the income guidelines I've heard quoted.  I have tried to check my account on line but systems have been busy.  I understand that.  In the meantime, I did receive a very friendly letter from my insurance company today.  It seems that people are driving less and accidents are down so now we "loyal and dedicated" customers are going to receive a "premium relief check" of $50.  I'm pleased of course.  Any time someone wants to give me money I will take it (assuming it's legal of course). I did do a little quick calculation though and realized that this check will almost offset the premium increase I was presented with at the beginning of 2020 because I had turned 75.  Evidently we elderly people are riskier drivers.  I don't think so but it seems they have some pesky statistics to prove their point.  

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