Wednesday, April 15, 2020

another special day

According to my west-coast brother, who works for a TV station so he must know, today is Art History Day and also National Glazed Spiral Ham Day.  I feel like it's my day for sure.  I love ham, although for Easter this year I had spaghetti, and once upon a long, long time ago I taught Art History at a local university.  I taught for four semesters, spending long late hours creating lectures and sorting slides (old tech but it's what we had).  At the end of the four semesters I was feeling good because I was looking forward to starting the series over again without needing to recreate everything from scratch.  Then we moved, and that was the end of my career as a college instructor.  I was only part time and didn't have a doctorate so I was never a professor.  On the up side, years later, when I was finally able to travel to Europe and beyond and saw some of the art works I had seen only in pictures and slides it was like re-connecting with old friends.  On my very first European trip, which was to Italy, the very patient friend I was traveling with quickly learned that if he let me wander in an art museum he might not see me for hours.  I'm sure he was tempted to leave me a few times but I always managed to find my way back to him - usually in a shady courtyard taking pictures or reading.  One of these days I'll travel again, but it won't be this year, although I understan that flights are pretty cheap right now.  

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