Tuesday, April 14, 2020

hair cut story, number two

When my daughter was three I took her to my beautician for her first real haircut, having learned my lesson on my firstborn, (See yesterday's blog.)  She looked so cute.  After we got home I started fixing lunch while she went upstairs to play.  I suddenly realized that she had been quiet for a long time.  Any parent will tell you that that is not a good thing. My husband didn't really learn this lesson 'til years later when he was caring for our grandchildren, but that's another story.  Being curious, but not too concerned, I called up the stairs to her "What are you doing?"  After a beat of silence the answer came "I'm not cutting my own hair."  Well, that got me upstairs at olympic qualifying speed.  But too late, she had cut a sizeable chunk out of the front of her hair (bye, bye bangs).  Who knew kindergarten scissors could cut so effectively?  There's a reason we don't have any pictures of my daughter between age three and three and a half.  

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